Schoolarship Materials Science and Engineering North Carolina State University – USA

Materials Science and Engineering NC State Univ.

Graduate student positions in experimental materials science are available in the group of Prof. Melechko starting Spring 2009 and Fall 2009.
Possible research projects include:
1) synthesis of vertically aligned carbon nanofibers and their integration in microfabricated devices
2) application of carbon nanofibers in interfacing live cells in tissue, i.e. gene delivery, intracellular probes, multielectrode arrays
3) alloy nanoparticle formation and behavior on surfaces Graduate students will be utilizing electron microscopy and spectroscopy, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, photolithography, thin film
deposition and other microfabrication tools. The applicant should have a strong interest in a general area of experimental nanotechnology and satisfy admission requirements for Materials Science and Engineering
, North Carolina State University.

The successful applicant will be offered a yearly stipend, full tuition coverage, and health benefits.
To apply: To apply please sent your application materials to  anatoli_melechko@

anatoli_melechko[ at]

http://www.mse. faculty/profiles .php?id=avmelech .